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InfoQ Homepage News PrimeFaces 5 Released with Rewritten Mobile and Greatly Improved Push Support

PrimeFaces 5 Released with Rewritten Mobile and Greatly Improved Push Support

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The latest release of PrimeTek's PrimeFaces 5.0 adds a new charting API, new components, rewritten mobile support, a new exception handler and improved push features. Nicknamed PF5, the release is compatible with JavaServer Faces 2.0 and greater. A PrimeFaces 4.0 to 5.0 migration guide has been published on the project's wiki.

PrimeFaces Mobile (PFM) has been rewritten from scratch and is now included in the core distribution. PFM is built on jQuery Mobile. In addition, it has a Mobile RenderKit for many PF5 components, including lazy loading of pages and responsive widgets.

PF5 claims greatly improved push support with the new PrimeFaces Push 2.0. PrimeFaces Push is based on the Atmosphere framework, and was written by Jeanfrancois Arcand, founder of Atmosphere, as well as Async-IO. Push inherits Atmosphere's support for a myriad of webservers and browsers.

A couple of weeks after the PrimeFaces release, PrimeTek also announced its Nextgen Showcase.

PF5 is the nextgen version of PrimeFaces and it surely deserves a nextgen showcase as the old one has been outdated for quite some time. New showcase is brand new, created by our good friend and professional designer Cem Altun.

On the project's Why PrimeFaces page, it says "For many, PrimeFaces is the de-facto standard of JSF Component Libraries". It cites the following Google Trends graph as proof.

JSF has faced some scrutiny this year, most recently from Thoughtworks Technology Radar 2014. In this year's edition, Thoughtworks stated:

We continue to see teams run into trouble using JSF -- JavaServer Faces -- and are recommending you avoid this technology.

In his blog post titled JSF is not what you've been told anymore, PrimeFaces founder and lead developer, Çağatay Çivici responded by showing how you can still can still use Bootstrap for CSS and regular HTML elements as JSF components.

JSF ranked second in web frameworks usage as part of RebelLabs' Java Tools and Technologies Landscape for 2014.