WSO2 MSF4J 2.0 has added support for Spring, Swagger definition generation, ExceptionMapper and StreamingOutput.
WSO2 MSF4J is an open source framework for building microservices in Java. The framework has a small memory footprint at 25MB and starts up in less than 400ms, according to WSO2. The recently released v. 2.0 comes with a number of improvements, including:
- Support for Spring annotations and runtime. Microservices, interceptors and exception mappers can now be written as Spring beans
- Generate Swagger definitions and support for Swagger annotations
- Support for ExceptionMapper which connects an exception thrown by a microservice with an HTTP response
- Support for StreamingOutput which enables the developer to control how the response is streamed back to the caller
Some of the WSO2 MSF4J main features are:
- Uses Java annotations for defining microservice APIs
- Supports JAX-RS and JSR 250 (annotations)
- Integrated with other WSO2 development, deployment, monitoring and scaling tools
- Integrated with WSO2 Data Analytics Server
- Integrated with WSO2 Identity Server
- It comes with an API Interceptor that catches messages for various reasons such as logging
- Development through WSO2 DevStudio which can generate a microservices project from a Swagger API definition
- Message transport is done via Netty
- Requests can be traced through a unique message ID
To create a microservice with MSF4J, one needs to annotate a Java class to define the API endpoints and deploy it with a runner. A basic HelloWorld example looks like this:
public class HelloService {
public String hello(@PathParam("name") String name) {
return "Hello " + name;
and it is deployed with
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new MicroservicesRunner()
.deploy(new HelloService())
As a result, the URL
curl http://localhost:8080/hello/world
will get the response “Hello world
Microservices created with WSO2 MSF4J can be built with Maven and deployed in Docker containers.