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RightScale Cloud Survey 2017

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RightScale has recently published their annual cloud survey (RightScale 2017 State of the Cloud Report) which comprises the status and the trends in cloud computing adoption and usage, comparing some of the values with last year’s results.

We have extracted some of the main points outlined by the survey:

  • Private cloud adoption fell 5%, down to 72%, bringing hybrid cloud adoption down 4% to 67%.
  • The vast majority of enterprises (85%) use multiple clouds. Their number is up 3% from 82% as it was in last year’s survey.
  • Users are using on average 4 different clouds, 1.8 being public while 2.3 private, and are running experiments on other 4 clouds.
  • Cloud users are running workloads distributed almost equally in public vs. private clouds, 41% vs. 38%, but enterprises prefer private clouds more with 32% in public vs. 43% in private ones.
  • Over 60% of enterprise IT wants to have a more prevalent role in deciding which applications to move to the cloud and which clouds to use, but about 20% fewer enterprises are willing to let the IT department make those decisions.
  • The following three challenges - lack of resources/expertise, security and managing spending – took the first place in users’ minds when they considered what’s hard about cloud computing. All three challenges came down to 25% from 32%, 29% and respectively 26% a year ago.
  • Survey respondents appreciated the waste of cloud resources at 30% while RightScale measured the real waste at up to 45%. Waste is represented by unused cloud resources or using more expensive clouds.
  • The most important initiative among cloud users is lowering costs (53%); mature users are even more interested in reducing costs (64%).
  • DevOps adoption is on the rise: from 74% to 78% while 84% of enterprises are already using DevOps, with 30% using it across all departments.
  • Docker adoption (35%) passes Chef and Puppet (28% each), the latest falling from 32%. Ansible is at 21%. Enterprises use Docker even more (40%) and another 30% plan on using it.
  • Kubernetes adoption doubled to 14%.
  • AWS still leads the pack with 57% of the public cloud market share, same as last year, while Azure had a jump from 20% to 34%. Google is third with 15% from 10%.
  • When it comes private clouds, VMware vSphere leads with 42%, followed by OpenStack at 20%, VMware vCloud at 19% and Azure Pack at 14%.

Regarding the survey methodology, from the 1,002 respondents from all over the world, nearly half (48%) were enterprises (over 1,000 employees). RightScale’s users represented 20% of all respondents. For all the results and details we recommend reading the entire survey which is free.

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