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InfoQ Homepage News Java News Roundup - Week of May 10th, 2021

Java News Roundup - Week of May 10th, 2021

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This week's Java roundup features news from OpenJDK JEPs targeted for JDK 17, updates on MicroProfile APIs, a 1.0 release of Grolifant, a library created by Schalk Cronjé supporting Gradle plugin development, and point releases for Hibernate, Piranha, Quarkus and Spring.

The JDK 17 early access builds have been updated this past week. Labeled as Build 22, there are numerous changes from Build 21 that include fixes to various issues.

JEPs targeted so far in the JDK 17 GA release include:

Still under review, there are proposed JEPs for JDK 17 that were recently promoted from Candidate to Proposed to Target status:

More details may be found in the release notes and developers are encouraged to report bugs via the Java Bug Database.

On the road to MicroProfile 4.1, three APIs were updated this past week: Health 3.1 was upgraded to release candidate status; Long-Running Actions (LRA) 1.0, a new behind-the-scenes API for loosely coupled services to coordinate long-running activities, was introduced to the MicroProfile community; and Reactive Messaging 2.0 was released.

Scheduled for a June 30, 2021 release date, Health 3.1 will be the only updated core API to be included in MicroProfile 4.1. However, all four standalone APIs: Context Propagation 1.2, Reactive Messaging 2.0, Reactive Streams Operators 2.0 and GraphQL 1.1, have been updated to their respective versions and will also be included in MicroProfile 4.1.

Schalk Cronjé, a freelance engineering director, has released version 1.0 of Grolifant, a library to support Gradle plugin development. Cronjé created Grolifant to provide key building blocks in writing Gradle plugins that are not easily obtainable from Gradle. More details may be found in the documentation and GitLab.

Hibernate Search 5.11.9.Final and 5.10.11.Final, both maintenance releases, feature upgrades to Avro 1.10 and Jackson 2. According to Hibernate, the former should only impact users of clustering features involving Avro serialization.

Piranha 21.5.0 has been released featuring an initial implementation of the Servlet Mapping API; running Jakarta EE TCK samples as part of the build; and small compliance fixes for the Servlet TCK. Further details may be found in their list of issues.

Red Hat has released Quarkus 1.13.4.Final, a maintenance release for the version 1.13 release train. Quarkus 1.13, made available in March 2021, supports the OpenTelemetry specification, a merger between the OpenTracing and OpenCensus specifications. Details on this latest release may be found in the release notes and the migration guide provides information on how to migrate Quarkus applications to version 1.13.

And finally, it was a busy week at Spring as a number of point releases on some of their projects were made available to the Java community.

Spring Data 2021.0.1 and 2020.0.9 are service releases containing bug fixes and dependency upgrades. Both versions, built on Spring Framework 5.3.7, may be consumed through Spring Boot 2.5.0 and 2.4.6, respectively. InfoQ will follow-up with a more detailed news story on Spring Data 2021.0.

Scheduled to be included in the upcoming Spring Boot service releases, Spring HATEOAS 1.3.1 and 1.2.6 have been released featuring general bug fixes. Detailed changelogs are available for version 1.3.1 and version 1.2.6.

Spring LDAP 2.3.4 has been released with bug fixes including an issue where Spring LDAP breaks on JDK9+. More details may be found in the release notes.

Point releases for Spring Framework were made available with version 5.3.7 implementing 45 fixes and improvements and version 5.2.15 implementing 9 selected fixes and improvements.