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InfoQ Homepage News Java News Roundup: JEP Updates for JDK 19, Project Loom, MicroStream 7.0, New Relic Java Survey

Java News Roundup: JEP Updates for JDK 19, Project Loom, MicroStream 7.0, New Relic Java Survey

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This week's Java roundup for April 25th, 2022, features news from JEPs targeted for JDK 19, Project Loom Build 19-loom+6-625, Spring Cloud 2021.0.2, Spring Tools 4.14.1, GraalVM 22.1.0, Micronaut 3.4.3, MicroStream 7.0, Quarkus 2.8.2, Apache Camel 1.9.0, and the New Relic State of the Java Ecosystem survey.


After its one week review had concluded, JEP 426, Vector API (Fourth Incubator), was promoted from Proposed to Target to Targeted status for JDK 19. This JEP, under the auspices of Project Panama, incorporates enhancements in response to feedback from the previous three rounds of incubation: JEP 417, Vector API (Third Incubator) (delivered in JDK 18), JEP 414, Vector API (Second Incubator) (delivered in JDK 17), and JEP 338, Vector API (Incubator), delivered as an incubator module in JDK 16. JEP 426 proposes to enhance the Vector API to load and store vectors to and from a MemorySegment as defined by JEP 424, Foreign Function & Memory API (Preview).

JEP 427, Pattern Matching for switch (Third Preview), originally promoted from its JEP Draft 8282272 to Candidate status this past week, was quickly promoted from Candidate to Proposed to Target for JDK 19. This JEP, under the auspices of Project Amber, incorporates enhancements in response to feedback from the previous two rounds of preview: JEP 406, Pattern Matching for switch (Preview) (delivered in JDK 17), and JEP 420, Pattern Matching for switch (Second Preview) (delivered in JDK 18). Changes from JEP 420 include: guarded patterns are replaced with when clauses in switch blocks; and runtime semantics of a pattern switch are more closely aligned with legacy switch semantics when the value of the selector expression is null. The review is expected to conclude on May 5, 2022.

JEP 425, Virtual Threads (Preview), has been promoted from Candidate to Proposed to Target status for JDK 19. This JEP, under the auspices of Project Loom, introduces virtual threads, lightweight threads that dramatically reduce the effort of writing, maintaining, and observing high-throughput concurrent applications, to the Java platform. The review is expected to conclude on May 5, 2022.

JDK 19

Build 20 of the JDK 19 early-access builds was made available this past week, featuring updates from Build 19 that include fixes to various issues. More details may be found in the release notes.

For JDK 19, developers are encouraged to report bugs via the Java Bug Database.

Project Loom

Build 19-loom+6-625 of the Project Loom early-access builds was made available to the Java community and is based on Build 20 of the JDK 19 early-access builds.

Spring Framework

After a very busy previous week, things were a bit more quiet this past week over at Spring.

Spring Cloud 2021.0.2 has been released that ships with bug fixes and improvements to Spring Cloud subprojects: Commons, Sleuth, Contract, OpenFeign, Netflix, CircuitBreaker and Kubernetes. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.

Spring Tools 4.14.1 was released featuring fixes and enhancements to Spring Boot, VS Code and Eclipse. Further details on this release may be found in the changelog and developers can expect Spring Tools 4.15.0 to be released in mid-June 2022.


Oracle Labs has released GraalVM 22.1.0 featuring: a new quick build mode for creating native images; a preview build to support Apple Silicon (Darwin AArch64); enhancements to the Python, Ruby, JavaScript and R programming languages support; and improvements to Java on Truffle. GraalVM 22.1 ships with JDK 11 and JDK 17 builds. More details on this release may be found in this YouTube video.


The Micronaut Foundation has released Micronaut 3.4.3 featuring: bug fixes related to deserialization from Base64 format into a byte array; improvements in documentation; interception of a Kotlin coroutine; validation group inheritance; and a patch release of Micronaut Problem JSON, a Micronaut project that produces a response of type application/problem+json from a Micronaut application. Further details on this release may be found in the changelog.


MicroStream has released MicroStream 7.0 that delivers: a new API that exposes the existing MicroStream serializer logic; a new CDI extension to configure an instance of the EmbeddedStorage class, define the root object, and store the collections defined in the root object automatically using an interceptor pattern; and improved logging with SLF4J. InfoQ will follow up with a more detailed news story.


Red Hat has provided a second maintenance release with Quarkus 2.8.2.Final that ships with bug fixes, improvements in documentation and dependency upgrades such as SmallRye GraphQL 1.4.5, SmallRye JWT 3.4.0, Flyway 8.5.9 and Micrometer 1.8.5. More details on this release may be found in the changelog.

Apache Camel

Version 1.9.0 of Apache Camel K was released featuring: the ability to upload local dependencies as a JAR file directly into an integration; consistently redirect all warnings from the CLI output to stderr; and an updated Camel Kamelet Catalog 0.8.0. Camel K is composed of a technology stack that includes: Camel K Runtime 1.13.0; Camel Quarkus 2.8.0; Camel 3.16.0; and Camel Kamelets 0.8.0. Further details on this release may be found in the changelog and what developers can expect from Camel K in the 2022 roadmap.

New Relic Survey

New Relic has published its findings from their annual State of the Java Ecosystem survey in which they examined: the most used JDK version in production and garbage collection algorithms; the most popular vendors; the rise of containers; and the most common heap size configurations. InfoQ will follow up with a more detailed news story.

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