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InfoQ Homepage Ruby on Rails Content on InfoQ

  • Ruby on Rails: 3.2 RC1 Released, 4.0 Will Drop Ruby 1.8.7

    The Ruby on Rails team announced the first release candidate of Rails 3.2. New features include a faster development mode, an explain feature for database queries and several smaller features. After 3.2, the next major release of Rails will be 4.0 and drop support for Ruby 1.8.7

  • Ruby on Rails 3.1 Released, Brings Assets Pipeline, Streaming, and Javascript Changes

    Exactly one year after the last major released, the Ruby on Rails team released Rails 3.1. The highlights of this release are support for HTTP Streaming, more intelligent migrations and the new assets pipeline that makes it easier to use CoffeeScript and Sass.

  • Public Beta of Play! is Now Available on Heroku

    Play!, a Java Web Framework is now available on Heroku as a public beta. Play! is built on Netty and is well suited for handling asynchronous I/Os. It is based on a "share-nothing" stateless programming model.

  • VMware Releases Free Version of Micro Cloud Foundry

    VMware today released a free downloadable version of its Cloud Foundry software, called Micro Cloud Foundry, designed to run locally on a developer’s workstation in a single virtual machine. Mac and PC developers can run and build cloud applications locally without having to configure middleware, and scale and deploy to their applications wherever they want without modifying code.

  • Ephemeralization or Heroku's Evolution to a Polyglot Cloud OS

    Heroku recently announced its new Cedar stack and the addition of Node.js and Clojure as new deployment languages. InfoQ spoke with Heroku Co-Founder Adam Wiggins about this recent development, underlying principles and future plans. He compares a PAAS to an Operating System for the Cloud built atop of the combination of powerful, existing tools.

  • Exceptional Ruby

    Developers enjoy writing code but few developers enjoy writing exception handling code and even fewer do it right. A new book titled Exceptional Ruby by Avdi Grimm attacks the subject and helps developers take the right approach to solid exception handling code.

  • Puppet Labs Releases Faces, Relicenses Puppet Under Apache 2.0

    Puppet Labs released a command-line interface & set of APIs last week, called Faces, that allows sysadmins to create or extend subcommands and actions for Puppet. The API is callable from Ruby and includes objects that expose Puppet’s internal subsystem. Sysadmins can access Puppet objects like report to create, display and submit reports, and catalog to compile, save, view and convert catalogs.

  • Cloud Foundry Experiences Storage Failure

    VMware’s Cloud Foundry yesterday experienced a widespread failure of their storage infrastructure that left some users wondering why they couldn’t log into their control panels and issue vmc commands.

  • RailsInstaller Provides Easy Rails on Windows Installation

    RailsInstaller provides Windows developers a great way to easily create Ruby on Rails 3 applications in no time. Up until now, Windows developers would be on their own to setup Ruby, RubyGems, Rails and SQLite in order to begin to create their first Rails application. Thanks to Dr. Nic Williams of Engine Yard and his team, it is much easier now.

  • Appcelerator Buys Aptana

    Appcelerator, the company behind the Titanium application development platform, has acquired Aptana. Aptana Studio 3, the Eclipse-based IDE with tightly integrated support for JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ruby, Python and PHP, is due to be released this quarter.

  • MacRuby Roundup: 0.7 Released, GCD-based Web Server, BridgeSupport

    MacRuby 0.7 is out, with the usual performance and compatibility improvements, including Ruby 1.9.2 compatibility. To demonstrate MacRuby's tight integration with Snow Leopard's Grand Central Dispatch (GCD), the team has released ControlTower, a Rack-based web server. Also: with the new BridgeSupport, all native APIs can now be accessed and scripted.

  • New Relic Has Released RPM for .NET and PHP

    New Relic has released two new variants of its performance tool: RPM for .NET and RPM for PHP. RPM offers performance monitoring and analysis for web applications running on premises or in the cloud.

  • Rubinius 1.1 - and the Future of the GIL

    Rubinius 1.1 is out, with JIT and performance improvements, more powerful debugging and profiling capabilities. Also: the GIL algorithm gets an overhaul in 1.1 - but it'll soon be history. In the Hydra branch of the Rubinius project, a GIL-less Rubinius is being groomed, soon to join JRuby, IronRuby and MacRuby in the GIL-less VM crowd. InfoQ caught up with Evan Phoenix about the Hydra branch.

  • Four NoSQL Add-ons available for Heroku Users

    The first four NoSQL datastores are available as Add-ons for the Heroku PaaS (platform-as-a-service) platform. Using the Add-on system that was introduced in October 2009, CouchDB from Cloudant, Membase from NorthScale, MongoDB from MongoHQ and Redis were made available for Heroku users.

  • DataMapper Reaches 1.0 Milestone

    DataMapper, an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for Ruby, arrived at a milestone recently reaching 1.0 status. The release, announced during RailsConf 2010, and coinciding with Dirkjan Bussink's presentation at the conference on the subject.