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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Lessons from Target Value Design

Lessons from Target Value Design



Target-Value Design (TVD) turns design upside-down, some examples are: - Rather than estimate based on a detailed design, design based on a detailed estimate. - Rather than narrow choices with design, carry solution sets far into the design process. TVD offers designers an opportunity to engage in the design conversation concurrently with people who procure services and execute the design.


Hal Macomber is currently placing his attention on project leadership. While many people recognize and suffer with the failings of our current practices the bulk of today's improving efforts are spent on doing a better job applying the same old techniques. In conjunction with the Lean Construction Institute, Hal has set out to change that.

About the conference

The Lean and Kanban 2009 event was created to drive further progress in software development by providing a unique opportunity to share best practices and innovation within the growing community of software engineers, managers, and executives adopting Lean and Kanban systems. It provides a unique opportunity to meet with and learn directly from industry luminaries and practitioners from around the world.

Recorded at:

Jan 10, 2010