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InfoQ Homepage Research What are the Most Important and Adoption-Ready Agile Practices?

What are the Most Important and Adoption-Ready Agile Practices?

InfoQ's research widget has been deprecated and is no longer available.

There is very little consensus in the agile community regarding the practices and techniques that are inherent to doing agile software development. Using the new community research tool, we at InfoQ want to get your opinions on the relative importance of a variety of practices which are commonly used in agile projects. How important are these practices, and how commonly are they actually used.

Please vote by dragging each practice across two dimensions – how important is the practice relative to the other practices, and how much is it actually used in real teams and projects.

This is an initial list – please tell us which other practices and techniques we should include in future versions of this community survey so we can improve the tool and provide information that will be useful to the community.